Skiing with your skis parallel at all times not only looks more flashy, but it also gives you more control and a tighter turning circle on steep slopes.
However, it can feel quite unstable at first, so here are some ways of gradually bringing your skis together without losing control!

The first step in going parallel is to get used to skiing with a smaller snow plough/V-shape. Once you can comfortably do all the exercises in the section above, try making the V-shape of your snow plough a little smaller at the back.
This will allow you to go a little faster, but the following exercises will be easier.
Finishing the Turn - The key to bringing your skis parallel is ensuring you have your weight in the right place.
If 90% of your weight is on your downhill/outside foot, then you will stay balanced, but also be able to slide your uphill/inside foot parallel to it.
A useful tip is to make sure your chin is over your downhill/outside foot, as this will help you to keep your weight in the right place.
Useful Exercise: Find a slope you feel comfortable on and stop near the top. Make a big sweeping right turn at a moderate speed in the snow plough position.
Towards the end of the turn, as your skis begin to turn across the hill, make sure all your weight is on your left foot, and gently lift the back of your right ski up off the snow for a second, before putting it back down parallel to your left ski, so that both skis are roughly shoulder width apart.
Keep turning both skis across the hill until you slow down and stop. Then try a sweeping turn to the left, starting with your skis in the snow plough shape and finishing with them parallel.
Starting the Turn - The key to keeping your skis parallel as you start each turn is pushing up with both feet before moving your weight onto the new outside/downhill ski. At the end of each turn, you should be balanced on your downhill ski.
To start the new turn, push up with both legs, before transferring your weight. Your skis will turn by themselves, but turn both feet as well for better steering.
Useful Exercise - On a sort of steepish section of a blue run stop with your skis pointing across the hill. Adopt the position you would be in at the end of the turn - weight on the downhill ski, ankles, knees, and waist bent, edges gripping the snow. Slowly push up with your legs, straightening your ankles, knees, and waist.
Your skis will flatten on the snow and will naturally start to turn down the hill.
Don't panic, just shift your weight onto your other ski and steer both skis (keeping them parallel) around to finish the turn.
Stop, and try the same in the other direction. Do this a couple of times until your skis remain parallel throughout the exercise.
Going parallel is a great way to improve your skiing and give you more control on the slopes. It takes practice, but by following these tips and exercises, you'll be able to bring your skis together and ski with more confidence and style.
Remember to always prioritize safety and ski within your abilities.
Happy skiing!