Dynamic parallel skiing is a technique that allows you to take your skiing to the next level.
It's all about making sure your weight is in the right place, keeping your skis parallel, and using your upper body and legs to control your turns.
Weight: When skiing parallel, it's important to keep your weight forward.
This allows you to turn more sharply, grip the snow better, and stop more quickly.
Every time you start a turn, make sure to
re-center your weight and lean down the hill. This puts all your weight on the downhill ski, creating a more stable platform.
Movement: Dynamic parallel skiing is all about fluid movement.
As you ski down the hill, you should be gently moving up and down, using your ankles, knees, and waist.
This allows you to make more dynamic turns and control your speed better.
To practice this, try skiing down a blue slope, making medium-sized turns and counting aloud. Start in a fully flexed position and push up with both feet as you turn, gradually flexing and extending your legs.
Edging: A lot of skiers slide through their turns to control their speed, but this doesn't give you much control and makes for a bumpy ride. Instead, use your edges by rolling your ankles and knees uphill as you flex down at the end of the turn. This puts your skis on edge, giving you more grip and control.
As you extend your legs to start the next turn, the skis will flatten on the snow, allowing you to move your weight and flex down again.
Upper Body: To be able to control your turns and keep your weight on the downhill ski, it's important to dip your downhill shoulder. The steeper the slope, the lower your downhill shoulder should be relative to the uphill one.
To practice this, try holding your poles out like a sword and dragging them along the snow as you ski.
By following these tips and exercises, you'll be able to improve your parallel skiing technique and take your skiing to the next level.
You'll be able to ski safer, tackle steeper slopes, and enjoy yourself more on the mountain.
Happy skiing!