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Who Else Finds It Hard To Stay Fit After Your Mid-30s?
Some Common Problems Are...

# 1 - Less Lean Muscle
- Slower Metabolism - Weakened Immune System
# 2 - Nagging Aches & Pain
- Harder To Enjoy Exercise
# 3 - Accumulated Stress
- Break Down Lean Muscle
# 4 - Busy Schedule

- Lack Of Sleep
# 5 - Metabolism Slowdown

- Easier Weight Gain

Be Stronger After 40 Programme can solve Them

Be Stronger After 40 in Exeter,Devon

Jason Depaoli



Our clients vary in age from teens to late seventies. The majority are over 35, and we've trained some great contingent of clients in their 50s, 60s, and 70s.
Our approach to training "mature" clients follows a similar approach to training younger clients, with a few key differences.
We'll make specific recommendations during your assessment that will be based on how well you move and how fit you and any specific goals you have.
We'll also get you to share any injury issues that may have crept up over the years. All of this allows us to put together the most appropriate program for you.
We also take all of this into account as we coach you through your workouts. You will see noticeable improvements in your physical ability from training with us, but we make sure that you progress at the right pace for you. We view getting stronger and more fit as a long game, not a quick fix.

Typically, we recommend one to three training sessions per week.

This Mid Life Makeover Can Get you Stronger, Fitter and Have loads of other Benefits

Just Please fill out the Form if you feel like this could be for you..

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